Emily's the knitter, Clare's the spinner, and we both like cocktails!

Saturday, 2 June 2007


Just a quick extra post - I knitted this on biggish needles, on a deadline to wear it to a wedding in August 2005 - and just started knitting from the middle back out, leaving a big U out at one side where I later picked up the sleeve, increased the lower edge lots ot make a drapey, wrappy tail, then picked back up from the beginning to do the other side the same (ish, of course I made no notes).


TutleyMutley said...

What did you knit it in, Emily? It looks great...
And what was that about Australia???

Emily said...

Hi there Tutleymutley (no email to respond to you). the yarn was Colinette tagliatelli, a merino tape. I have made a jacket out of it too, and would recommend making things much smaller than you'd like to end up - but ideal for this sort of drapey, shapeless thing!

Clare has a job in Sydney for a year - so we a re off there in January..........